Youtube! Your New Power Tool.

  For any DIY enthusiast (all men will surely agree with me here) the most important tool for generations has been the

Healthy Sounding Foods; That really aren’t that good for you!

There are many foods that people believe to be healthy, that really aren’t that good for you. Sometimes it is because they’re

Packing Tips

No matter who you are packing for a holiday can be a highly stressful event especially left until last minute, I know

Gardening linked to longer lives!

Getting your hands dirty in the garden or fixing up the home has been linked to a longer life in a study

Fitness Clothing; Good or Gimmick?

From fancy shoes that rock your buns into shape to sports bracelets that improve your balance, we examine the claims of the

Advantages and Disadvantages of City Breaks

  Haven’t got the time or the budget to go travelling around the world? Why not take a quick city break. Psychologists

Spring Cleaning Calorie Burning

If you have been looking for different ways to get active, but feel you don’t have time with all that you’ve got

Low-calorie summer cocktails

Spring has sprung and what’s nicer that reclining back in the garden with a homemade cocktail. If you’re watching your calorie intake

Can’t cook, won’t cook

Cooking for yourself, is one of the easiest moves you can make towards a more healthy lifestyle. One of the biggest challenges

Top five fitness wearables

Eat, sleep, walk repeat with these top activity bands There are now so many top fitness trackers on the market that choosing the best