UK Walking Destinations!

Here in the UK you’re never too far away from a spectacular place to dust of that anorak and go for a

Boost Your Metabolism!

You have cut down on your calorie intake and exercise regularly, yet you still haven’t lost any weight. Sound familiar? It is

10 Facts about Naps!

As children we are encouraged to nap, it could be considered cruel to not let a child siesta, and the same could

My Favourite Online Recipe Sites

If you’re not sure what to cook for yourself or your family this evening, or if you have got a dinner party

My experience! Giving up added sugar!

What I have learnt from giving up on sugar. At the beginning of this year I was facing a health crisis, having

Wear Sunscreen!

If I could offer you one tip for the summer, sunscreen would be it! The following information has been collected from the

How to avoid alcohol affecting your weight!

With the summer party season fast approaching, our alcohol intake can start to increase. So how can we enjoy a few drinks

The Best and Worst Fruits for Weightloss.

Experts agree that a diet rich in fruits and veggies is the way to go. Fruits can provide essential nutrients, fibre and a host

9 Foods You Should Always Avoid.

These nine foods have been my biggest downfall to my weight-loss over the years, until I started cutting them all out one

5 Simple Activities to Help Weightloss

Starting a new workout or exercise routine can be hard, especially if you have more weight to lose than most people. The