Mike Sarl - Lost THREE stone!


I have always struggled with weight issues even as a child but my family always said I was just big boned! I am a qualified Chef so should know how to look after myself as far as nutrition and healthy eating is concerned.

I have tried various diets in the past but never had any success until I found another diet similar to Shake That Weight. It was here that I discovered ketosis and its weight loss benefits. It suited me down to the ground – no messing with counting calories, just eat your products and drink plenty of water. Although I did manage to lose a decent amount of weight, I couldn’t put up with the pressure from the consultant or the crazy prices I was paying. We soon parted company, and then over a few years I put the weight I had lost back on and plenty more on top of that.

I was then diagnosed with various health problems, made worse by my weight which was then at 23 stone. Then last year I became a grandfather and that changed everything. I suddenly realised if I didn’t do something to change my weight, I might not be around to enjoy playing with my grandson, so I decided enough was enough.

I searched the internet for a ketosis-based diet as I knew it worked for me in the past, but everything just seemed so confusing. Then I found Shake That Weight.

I couldn’t believe how cheap the products were so I decided to give it go and placed my first order, ready to start on the Total Food Replacement plan. I found the TFR plan so easy to follow – no weighing this and counting that and less temptation to cheat. I found the products were very tasty, but have to say the chicken & veg noodles are my favourite, closely followed by the dark chocolate bar, but I haven’t yet found a product I don’t like.

Even though I lost an amazing 16lb in my first week, I really began to notice the difference by week 3 when clothes I had long since chucked at the back of the wardrobe were now fitting. Since then, my weight loss has been a steady 4 to 5 lb a week, which is great!

If I were asked for tips for others on STW, I would simply tell them to stick 100% to their chosen plan and they will achieve great results. For proof of those results, visit the STW Facebook group and see for yourself.

Before going on STW I was really struggling. I couldn’t climb the stairs without being out of breath, my joints ached because of the excess weight on them and I hated myself. But now just half way through my journey, I feel so much better. I can now climb the stairs without being breathless, I have so much more self confidence and enjoy the compliments on my weight loss from friends and family.

My next goal is to lose 3 and a half stone and go onto maintenance plan to keep the weight off, and by that time I should have finished my studying to become a weight loss coach. I will definitely be recommending STW to all my future clients.

Life Is so much better thanks to STW and I would have no hesitation in recommending them to anyone. It is by far the best and most cost-effective weight loss program I have been on.

Start your journey

*Weight loss results are different for each individual and yours may vary.