
Wear Sunscreen!

If I could offer you one tip for the summer, sunscreen would be it! The following information has been collected from the

How to avoid alcohol affecting your weight!

With the summer party season fast approaching, our alcohol intake can start to increase. So how can we enjoy a few drinks

The Best and Worst Fruits for Weightloss.

Experts agree that a diet rich in fruits and veggies is the way to go. Fruits can provide essential nutrients, fibre and a host

9 Foods You Should Always Avoid.

These nine foods have been my biggest downfall to my weight-loss over the years, until I started cutting them all out one

5 Simple Activities to Help Weightloss

Starting a new workout or exercise routine can be hard, especially if you have more weight to lose than most people. The

Youtube! Your New Power Tool.

  For any DIY enthusiast (all men will surely agree with me here) the most important tool for generations has been the

Healthy Sounding Foods; That really aren’t that good for you!

There are many foods that people believe to be healthy, that really aren’t that good for you. Sometimes it is because they’re

Packing Tips

No matter who you are packing for a holiday can be a highly stressful event especially left until last minute, I know

Gardening linked to longer lives!

Getting your hands dirty in the garden or fixing up the home has been linked to a longer life in a study

Fitness Clothing; Good or Gimmick?

From fancy shoes that rock your buns into shape to sports bracelets that improve your balance, we examine the claims of the