
Think you can’t lose weight because of your genetics? Think again!

Don’t you just hate those people who can eat and eat and eat and eat and not seem to put on any

Ketogenic diets could help slow ageing – yes, really!

Ketogenic diets could help slow ageing – yes, really!   Unfortunately, time and ageing eventually come for us all. That doesn’t mean

5 Dieting Mistakes That Might Be Stopping You From Losing Weight

Dieting can be a complicated. You might think you’re doing everything by the book and doing exactly what you’re supposed to and

How To Stay On Track With Your New Years Resolutions

As we all know, New Year is a time when many of us make resolutions to change and improve our lives in

How Many Calories Do You Burn In A Day?

Our bodies are constantly burning calories all day long, whether we’re eating, reading or sleeping. No matter how sedentary the task, your

How leading a healthier lifestyle is important for asthma-sufferers

Around five and a half million people in the UK are currently being treated for asthma, and if one of those is

Why sleep is so important when losing weight

Eating the right foods and doing regular exercise are obviously essential when it comes to losing weight, but there are other factors

Cravings – here’s why you get them & how to deal with them

We start losing weight with all the best intentions. Our meals are all planned out, we’re full of optimism and enthusiasm, and

When should you eat if you want to lose weight?

When we’re losing weight, we’re always thinking about what we’re eating, whether it’s healthy enough, and often what we’d like to be

Coconut oil: Superfood or super fad?

Coconut oil: Superfood or the fad that could make you fat? Another week, another super food that’s going to magically make you