Food and Drink

Good carbs vs bad carbs – what’s the difference?

Carbohydrates, commonly known as ‘carbs’, are one of the most important nutrients our bodies need. They give us energy and keep us

Natural vs Added Sugar

When trying to lose weight and deciding what to eat, the type and amount of sugar foods contain is one of the

a kebab compass

The World Food Map: Which Country’s National Dish Is The Healthiest?

From the icy terrains of Nordic countries to the African deserts, the countries of the world are obviously vastly different. As well

Shake That Weight Porridge Cookies

We love the Shake That Weight community. It’s a fantastically supportive and enthusiastic bunch, and we regularly learn as much from them

Cravings – here’s why you get them & how to deal with them

We start losing weight with all the best intentions. Our meals are all planned out, we’re full of optimism and enthusiasm, and

The Importance of Drinking Water on a Diet

It is very important when following this diet to drink you water allowance. Aside from keeping you hydrated, drinking water can actually

Health Benefits of Lemons

Rich in vitamin C lemons have long been used for there health benefits, but did you know that one of the major

Metabolism: Tips and Tricks

If you’re on a diet and trying to shred those extra pounds that have inevitably creeped up on you over the festive

Benefits Of Coffee

The health effects of coffee are quite controversial. Depending on who you ask, it is either a super healthy beverage or incredibly

Why Porridge is Awesome!

 Porridge, the warm breakfast cereal that is simply oats, that are brought to the boil slowly until you’re preferred consistency is reached,